Photography ♥️

Hi everyone! I want to tell you that in a few days more my fifth semester of university will finish and many things have happened.

During this semester I had to work in seven subjects, of which five were obligatory and two were elective. But only one subject had my heart since the beginning, it was photography cross section.

I love taking pictures, I started in 2017 when I bought my first camera, it is an Olympus OM1 and I take 35mm photos.

These years photography has been just a hobby of which I fell deeply in love. This semester it was presented to me the opportunity to join the photography cross section in which we were taught to take photography in studio with professional photography equipment. Also we learn how to well use lights and shadows for the best photo competition; how to direct a photography project and how to guide your model so they can represent the emotion that you want to reflect in your photos of the different sessions.

The negative aspects were the bad organization of the studio schedule, the subject it was unable to know how to respond in the correct way to the problems caused by the period of paralysis of the University due to mobilizations.

I love it because I was able to understand the real professional vision of how I can capturade through my lens different environments, moments, persons; and the infinitive ways to give any massage I want to the world, in a beautiful artistic way. I thought that convert my hobby in something professional it was going to make a big difference in my work as a designer and it did it.

It helps me to always have fresh the importance of the visual composition in any graphic content, it helps me to connect with the deepest of my mind and soul, rising more easily the creativity and the formation of my own language. It also allows me to provide myself exclusive photographic material for my project.

I really enjoyed the experience and to know my strengths and weaknesses in order to improve the quality of my photographic work

Thank you for read this, I hope you have a beautiful life! 🙋♥️


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