My Favorite concert

My favorite concert of all was my very first one. I was 12 years all and after 2 years of waiting  I finally was able to see The jonas brothers  at less of 5 meters. That 2 years before i became i huge little fan of this three brothers, i saw them in the TV singing a song for a disney movie, and i just fell in love of their style and their music.

when I was 11 years old they came to Chile with their first world tour ever and I didn't have the money to go. So I tried everything that a 11 years old girl could do:

1.- I participied in the rock&pop radio contest, I mean... I tried to. It was about call to the radio and answer a jonas brothers super fan's question, so you had one chances to answer it rigth, if you didn't they take the other call in line. I call so many time, but there were always another super crazy fan before me answering right how many curls nick had (just kidding, never that psych) .

2.- i offer my draw services to my schoolmates and friend, i sold draws for 300 pesos, and if they dindt had the money i accepted candies. So like you imagine, the business did't go so well.

Obviusly i couldn't raise enough money, so i just saw it in the news and internet.

Then in 2010 the return to Chile with a new tour, and my beautiful mom take me to the concert. I went with her, and i was so happy because i never thought that could it be possible. So there were me and my mom just enjoying the moment, living a live dream.

Fun Fact: My mom had a camera at that time (a camera with batteries), she gave it to me to take pictures of the concert. I take so many picture of so many things before the concert that when the jonas brothers started to sing i took just one blurred picture of them and the camera's batteries died. But at least all remember everything, its all in my head and heart. JB forever. and no it doesn't mean justin bieber for god's sake.

Blurred Picture:
nailed it! ;)


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