English Journal 馃憛

Hi! today i would like to talk about you about my exprience with english. The relationship with this language it's very long, since i can remember i have been in english classes, most specifically, since i was in preschool.

I have always like lenguages and it have been very easy to me to learn it, i think that is because when you are little its more easy to learn anything, and if you maintain that practices of it, you just keep that rythmm and learn it more naturally.

When i grow up i integrate a english school, where i stay since kindergarden to the last grade of secundary. My english classes were always make by women teachers and they explain us everything in english since fifth grade, before that they explain us in spanglish.

Also when i was little i liked Disney and thet teen stars very much, so when i was listen to the jonas brothers or hanna montana i was learn it english, althought i don´t realize about it. Also I really love every kind of music, and i have always listen to anglo music a lot, that help me very much to keep the practice until this days.

When i search for information of any kind i descovered that if a search it in englsh i have more results and more usefuls, specially in topics that were more unknown in Latin America. Also a big part of the pages i like visit the most are in english, specially if they are no so popular. I also watch a lot of anlgo youtubers, movies and series in english.

All this years it have been a good relationship with english, i learn it with like all the time of the world so it never had mean a very big pressure, i can understand a very big part of english althought i think i have to learn another important part to be complete. I hope to start to work that another big part in this subject 馃槉馃檶.

Thanks for read this, i hope you have a good week, see you later! 馃憖


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