My future Job

Nowadays i'm crossing my sixth semester of Design career with Graphic mention. My plans for the future are make a postgraduate degree in multimedia design. I´m not really sure of what to do in the future, my aspiration at the beggining of my carrer was graduate and be an art director in some company, but now i would like to be freelance and be my boss and have all the freedom to make my work in the way that i think it's the best for me, but all that will depend on my salary hahaha (sad but true).

I hope to have a good salary (as everybody) and be able to cover the costs of necessary equipment for my job to get the higher equality possible in it. And also to able to travel a lot.

My deppest wish it's to to work online and be able to live in diferents types of the world. I would like to not  onlyvisit countries but live ther, now them deeply, enjoy them with time and calm, and for that i need a permenent base job to cover this journey. Also work in that counties with different people who their work inspire me to be a better designer.

I'm in love with my profession and whetever will end this professional journy i will be very happy to work as a designer.


  1. That sounds fascinating, I hope you can achieve everything you want and travel all over the world :)


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