Postgraduate Studies

When i started searching for a career in high school and i found the beautiful design career i also looked at a postgraduate degree (anxious girl). Multimedia design in part time course was the best option for me because i always have love everything that have relation with technologie, web and animation. the only big problem for me is that in chile doesn´t exist, so if i want to keep studing i will have to move from here to another country.

Truly i don't like so much that option, or maybe not for now, i think i still have a lot left to learn and grow as a professional and a person, so the best idea that comes to my mind is to work some years, find out more about my profession and its labor field, and then (when i feel a little more sure about myself) i will pack my bag and fly to this new world.

Also (and the most important thing of all) i have to work work work to save enought money to solv all the costs of this journey, because without that i can't do much things even if i want to.

I really dont like the fact that here in Chile doesn't exist so much option for design and postgrates studies or masters in design, i already move from my city (Antofagasta) because this career wasn't impart rigth since my point of view, or not like i wanted to, in adittion to have only two univerties like an option to study design.

I'm really disposed to reach the goals that i put to myself, and even if it takes me longer or if doesn't result like i expected, i really hope to always keep trying till i get it and always feel happy and proud with my decisions.


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