The most embarrasing moment of my liiiife

I think i was a child make from emberrasing moment so pick only one its not very easy, but i will try.

When i was 7 years old i get sick and i miss classes for like a week, in that period of time they give a vaccine (i really don't remember for what sickness) to all my classmates less me. That vaccine had it 2 dosis, one dosis tht year and the other dosis the next year.

The thing is that i really hated syringe and i knew that i skiped an vaccine from the last year (what maked me very happy).

So when the next year came also did the second dosis. That day i went to the bathroom and when i came back the inspector was asking for me and some of my friends to my teacher. I was very excited because i thought that it was for a school trip or something, but not. IT WAS FOR THE SECOND DOSIS. When i heared that i went white like gasper, all for the terror of knowing that i was going to by atacked by a evil syringe.

When i was in nursing, standing in the line with my little friends i said to my friend feña that "thanks batman that i didn't get the first dosis, it would be very painful 2 vaccine in 2 years". What i didn't know it was that our little secret it wasn't only of us now, it was of me, her and the nurse.

She heard me! and she scold me for skiped the last dosis. So she took me out of the line and put me directly in the stretcher, roll up my sleeves and put me both dosis at the same time. I cry a lot but then i realized that anybody was crying except me and that it doesn't hurt so much as i remebered.

Since that day i'm very brave in front vaccine. I only don't look at them when they are ready to suck my blood.


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