What i'm really into?

In the last months i have been very obssesed with a mobile game named MY CAFE, its about build your own cafe and serve coffe with different spices to your clients basically. Also a game named FISHDOM its a kind of puzzle where you have to make different tyoes of sea stuffs of different colors get toghether and pop up so you clean the puzzle then you win money and you can buy fishies for your fishtank, you have to be quick and strategic. They really catch me.

Since a little more tan a year i have been obssesed with analog photogrphy, i buy me a camera olympus OM-1 and i have now more than 300 photos that i have take.

Im very into PINTEREST, a dedicated a big time of my day to reach for referents for actual and future design project. Sometimes i don´t have the time to actually make all the ideas that i'm always saving but i just can't stop to fill boards and boards with them.

I'm a really music lover, i love to be always discovering new artist of every type of musical gender. This days i have being very obssesed with the voice of KIMBRA, its a New Zealand singer, composer and musician. She has a very beautiful voice and i love the way that she dance, she look so free and fun.

Also i'm watching a HBO serie named BARRY. It's about a hitman that wants to become an actor one day when he follow his new hit to his acting class. It have 2 seasons, it's fun to watch, it has a little bit of everything: action, love, comedy, suspense, etc.


  1. Long time that I haven´t heard about someone who doesn't play typical games. Is curious


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